Housing and Energy Efficiency Services 2022
Weatherization and Home Repair Services in Action
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency’s Weatherization Services
The Weatherization Assistance Program uses Federal and State funds to reduce energy costs for low-income households, prioritizing the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, through improving the energy efficiency of homes, while ensuring health & safety.
Here’s how NMCAA’s Housing and Energy Efficiency Services Helped the Community in 2022
82 Households (HHs) Received Weatherization Services, including:
45 Elderly occupied
65 Single family homes
27 Refrigerator replacements
42 Disabled occupied
15 Mobile homes
14 Water heater replacements
24 With children under 18
1 Rental home
20 Furnace replacements
21 Households received assistance to become Weatherization-Ready
“I want to thank you and everyone involved with the assistance you provided for my home! I’m grateful beyond words and truly appreciate what you and all of the workers have done for me. It is life changing! You are all awesome!”
– Meredith L.
Home Repair
Housing and Energy Efficiency Services
Homeowners who are faced with an emergency repair may be assisted by NMCAA’s Home Repair Program. County-allocated funds are used to assist residents through this program using grants or 0% interest loans to correct the deficiencies or prevent future damage to their home.
In fiscal year 2022, NMCAA had additional State funding through the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Water & Plumbing Repairs grant to address households’ lack of access to hot & cold water and to ensure the homes served had at least one functioning toilet, bathroom faucet, shower/bath, kitchen faucet, as well as functioning wastewater drainage for water access to be sustainable.
103 Households Received Home Repairs, including:
61 Elderly occupied
40 Water related repairs
51 Disabled occupied
49 Energy efficiency improvements
32 With children under 18
84 Households with improved health and safety
“Our family could never have afforded the new septic system on our own. Really not sure how we would have managed much longer, even with limiting showers and doing laundry at my parent’s house. We are so grateful. Keep doing what you’re doing to assist people.”
NMCAA Client