Financial Management Services 2023
Financial Support, Workshops, and More Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency’s Financial Management Services Financial Management Services…
Our Homeownership and Financial Center dedicates themselves to making financial education and home counseling accessible for low to moderate-income households. By providing essential services, we aim to empower individuals and families to achieve financial self-sufficiency. Our comprehensive community action programs equip participants with the knowledge and tools they need to manage their finances effectively. Additionally, the home counseling services support those seeking stable housing solutions. As a result, NMCAA plays a crucial role in helping community members build a secure future.
Financial Support, Workshops, and More Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency’s Financial Management Services Financial Management Services…
Homeownership and Financial Center The Homeownership and Financial Center is recognized by NeighborWorks America to assist…
Community Action in Action Homeownership and Financial Center in Action Here’s how Northwest Michigan Community Action…
Tax Season Amid Pandemic NMCAA has a Successful 2020 NMCAA’s Tax Program Celebrated a Successful Season…
Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency’s Impact in 2019 Homeownership and Financial Center in Action NMCAA’s Homeownership…